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Rocket Lab cautiously optimistic about Neutrons future in national security launch

WASHINGTON — Rocket Lab sees the U.S. military as a potential customer of the company’s future medium-lift rocket, Neutron. But unless the Defense Department changes its requirements for launch providers, new entrants like Rocket Lab will be unable to compete for contracts, the company’s CEO Peter Beck said Jan. 17. Speaking on a webcast hosted by the investment banking firm Canaccord Genuity, Beck said Rocket Lab is on an aggressive schedule to complete the development of Neutronfor a 2024 debut.

Threads adds in-app GIF picker, still blocks Gboard

Meta has provided yet another welcome up to its Twitter competitor, Threads, with users now able to access a GIF picker and polls. However, the app still blocks Android keyboards from inserting GIFs. Announced by Mark Zuckerberg yesterday, Threads is now rolling out support for an in-app GIF picker as well as support for polls. Polls on Threads work just like you’d expect. An option when creating a new post allows users to add up to four poll choices and run that poll for 24 hours.

wiki, bio, net worth, divorce, kids, new husband?

For the longest time, Louise Anstead was the only woman in Ant Anstead’s life. The pair met in the early 1990s and were together for more than two decades. But things suddenly changed in 2017, and the pair announced their divorce. While there have been no official details as to why the pair divorced, Ant’s infidelity often popped up in the conversation. Since the divorce, Louise has decided to remain away from the spotlight.

Google Play Points users get 40% off Pixel 8, 8 Pro, Tablet

In the past, you have been able to redeem Play Points for Google Store discounts. Google is now running a much deeper offer where US Play Points Gold, Platinum, and Diamond members can get 40% off the Pixel 8, 8 Pro, and Tablet. For some, opening the Play Points page (from the account menu) and navigating to the Perks tab reveals a banner advertising this offer. Even if you don’t have that banner, Play Points members in the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond (which appears to have recently launched in the US) level can access a playpoints.

LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'racist, bigoted views'

The Los Angeles Police Department banned the Thin Blue Line flag from public areas within police departments this week over a complaint that the flag represented "violent, extremist views." LAPD Chief Michel Moore defended the controversial move in an email sent to Fox News Digital, saying, "Yesterday, we received a community complaint of the presence of a Blue Line Flag" with "the view that it symbolized support for violent extremist views, such as those represented by the Proud Boys and others.

T. J. Hooker (TV Series 1982-1986)

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This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people usingit?

Vertigo is the term used to describe a false sensation of movement or spinning. It is often referred to as ‘dizziness’, which is a less specific term that can refer to anything from feeling light-headed or unsteady to a spinning sensation. Some people describe the dizzy feeling they get from looking down from a height as vertigo. Fear of heights and the dizzy feeling that accompanies it is actually called acrophobia.

Driver arrested after 'deliberately' crashing into police cars during suspected DUI pursuit, deputie

RIVERDALE — One man was taken into custody after he deliberately collided with two police vehicles during a pursuit that reached speeds near 100 mph through parts of Weber County, authorities said. Sgt. Terance Lavely with the Weber County Sheriff’s Office said deputies responded to a reported DUI incident in the lower Uintah area on New Year’s Eve. The blue BMW in question was later located near Riverdale Road and 1900 West in Roy.

Learn If Kristen Tuff Scott Is In A Relationship With Someone, Broke Up With Missy?

The American television personality Kristen Tuff Scott became widely known for her comedic videos on Facebook. The social media star became a prominent figure in a short span of time, even landing a spot on CMT’s Redneck Island Season 5. The comedian is not only known for her comedic antics on social media but is also an in-depth natural storyteller through her music. Having written over 100 original songs, Scott’s passion for music has been a force to reckon with.