What is Jan Smithers' Net Worth? Jan Smithers is an American actress who has a net worth of $4 million. Jan Smithers is best known for her role as the kind-hearted, demure radio station receptionist Bailey Quarters on the CBS sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati" which aired from 1978 to 1982. Prior to her acting career, she gained fame as a teen model, notably appearing on the cover of Newsweek in 1966 at the age of 16.
The candidates vying for the role of Schuylkill County Commissioner engaged in a debate on Tuesday evening, marking a pivotal moment in the lead-up to the general election.
Held at Penn State Schuylkill, this debate was the one and only face-off between the contenders, hosted and conducted by the Schuylkill County Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee.The general election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, carries significant weight, as it is set to usher in at least one new Commissioner.
Nov. 26, 2007 — -- Growing up in Queens, N.Y., Chris Cuomo dreamed of playing football with legendary New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath. The year before Cuomo was born, Namath lead the Jets to an epic victory against the Baltimore Colts in Superbowl III. As he held up his index finger signaling that 1969 win, Namath became an icon. Though he played with a broken knee his entire career, he was truly one of football's greats.
On Deadly Ground (1994) - Steven Seagal | Cast and Crew | AllMovie MPAA Rating R
Flags Not For Children Category Feature
Produced by Warner Bros.
Submit Corrections On Deadly Ground (1994) Directed by Steven Seagal Release Date - Feb 8, 1994 (USA) | Run Time - 103 min. | Countries - United States | MPAA Rating - R AllMovie Rating 3 User Ratings (0) Your Rating Cast Forrest Taft Michael Jennings Masu MacGruder Stone Liles Homer Carlton Hugh Palmer Silook Tunrak Takanapsaluk Johnny Redfeather Big Mike Otto Walters Harold Drunken Eskimo Jospeh Ittok Elak Rook Collins Spinks Stokes Villager Harold Makeup Girl Dream Girl Etok Maktak Oovi Guard Chic Reporter Richter Independent Helicopter Pilot Helicopter Pilot Bar Girl Mr.
Actually, no. You have your notions swapped and comingled and cross pollinated.From incorporeal...
"The physical attacks of incorporeal creatures ignore material armor, even magic armor, unless it is made of force (such as mage armor or bracers of armor) or has the ghost touch ability. "
There is no "incorporeral touch attack" rule for force effects... there is just the PHYSICAL attack special rule.
There is the specificTOUCH ATTACK rule.
Recommended VideosThese days, when Sony and Tencent are in the gaming headlines, it’s often because they’ve acquired another studio. That’s actually not the case this time, but the two gaming giants have made big investments in Kadokawa Corporation, the parent company of Elden Ring developer FromSoftware.
According to a new notice from Kadokawa, Sony and Tencent subsidiary Sixjoy now own a 14% and a 16% stake in the company, respectively. That still leaves the 70% majority of shares in Kadokawa’s hands, so neither Sony nor Tencent has much control, but they do now have seats at the table.
Get it, girl! Social media star — and senior citizen — Baddie Winkle channeled Britney Spears while walking the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, August 28, at NYC’s Madison Square Garden.
The free-spirited 88-year-old strutted her stuff in a sparkly nude bodysuit that mirrors Spears’ iconic style from the pop princess’ 2004 “Toxic” music video, in which she went completely naked with the exception of strategically placed diamonds.
A “gruff, no-nonsense tough guy” Andrew “Andy” Kelly is none other than Kris Kelly‘s bigger little brother as seen on Discovery Channel’s Bering Sea Gold. Like his brother, younger Kelly is The Reaper’s resident gold hound and he is also responsible for the bulk of the gold recovered by the family so far.
Now, in this ‘Andy Kelly Bio’ let us tell you all about his personal as well as professional endeavors.
OREM, Utah — Hands felt along walls and carpets, slowing to explore particularly interesting textures. Guides described shapes and sizes and colors, from furniture and decorative moldings to artwork and stained-glass windows. And all around, a steady stream of people passed through the Orem Utah Temple, touring the building before its open house ends Dec. 16, 2023.
But the people who attended a tactile tour Dec. 5 of the new temple weren’t in a hurry.
Mexico is the largest market for erectile dysfunction in the developing world, with about $200 million in sales every year.
That is why Pfizer has chosen the country for the introduction of Viagra Jet, a tablet that can be taken without water and will dissolve quickly -- making it more convenient to use in the heat of the moment. Pfizer hopes that this innovation will help it keep keep its foothold in Mexico’s lucrative erectile dysfunction drug market a year before their patent on the drug runs out and generics enter the picture.