Diablo 4: How to start the Season 4 questline

Sam Smith

Published: 2024-05-15T15:54:50

Diablo 4 Season 4: Loot Reborn is here and brings a brand new story and questline, and this time, one without any vampires or killer robots. Loot Reborn’s story features the returning Iron Wolves faction and a Seasonal Journey that’s quite different from the previous seasons.

Beginning the new questline in Season 4 can be a little bit confusing, so here’s everything you need to know to enjoy the new story content of Loot Reborn and how to begin your new adventure. Be aware, that this guide is for the new content that only starts once you’ve beaten or skipped the main Diablo 4 campaign.

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Should you skip the campaign?

Once you’ve created your new Seasonal character and jumped into Season 4, you’ll have a choice to either skip the campaign or play it though. Of course, if this is your first Diablo 4 run you’ll need to complete the main story first, that’s because the Loot Reborn story takes place sometime after Lilith’s defeat.

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As vampires and killer constructs are still roaming around Sanctuary, we can assume the story also takes place after the defeat of Zir and Malphas — the main villains of Seasons 2 and 3. If you’ve already played the campaign and want to jump straight into the new content, then skip the campaign in Season 4.

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Season 4 will be a fresh start for Diablo 4.

How to start Diablo Season 4 questline

Unlike previous seasons, Season 4 won’t start with a cool new cinematic introducing you to the latest threat to Sanctuary. Instead, you’ll simply be dropped into Kyovashad, but you’ll have a quest marker to follow and a new quest called The Helltide Rises.

This quest will direct you to speak to a nearby NPC called Doomsayer Pira. The cheery individual will inform you that evil stirs again and encourages you to investigate the Helltide. Like previous seasons, this is an area filled with lots of monsters to fight, Whispers, and seasonal content that’s unique to Season 4.

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As Helltides could be happening anywhere, open your map and find the nearest one to you, then hop on your horse and head into the fray. There’s always a Helltide happening somewhere so you won’t need to travel far.


Diablo 4: Things to do before playing Season 4

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The quest will advise you to fight in the Helltide, so jump in and start killing demons once you arrive. You’ll notice that there’s no waypoint to follow, which can be confusing, so just keep killing monsters until one of them drops an item called Medallion Shard.

Once you’ve collected enough of them, your character will then proclaim that they must return the Medallion to its owner, and a new quest will appear. You’ll be directed to travel to the Iron Wolves encampment and deliver the item to an NPC called Soudeh.

Follow the waypoint to this location and give the item to Soudeh who, after recognizing you from the battles with Lilith in the main campaign, will invite you to join the Iron Wolves. This will kick off the Season 4 questline properly.

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