Members of the Church have the individual responsibility to learn and live the Lord’s teachings.Individuals must learn about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel for themselves and not rely on borrowed gospel light.Home-centered gospel learning means that missionary training, Sunday School classes, family history centers and temple preparation primarily happen in the home and are supplemented by Church resources.
Each member of the Church has the individual responsibility to learn and live the Lord’s teachings, and receive the ordinances of salvation and exaltation. Although everyone will need the help of Church leaders and teachers to grow spiritually and press forward on the covenant path, “the ultimate responsibility for developing spiritual strength and stamina rests upon each one of us.”
With gospel learning becoming increasingly home-centered and Church-supported, the ultimate missionary training center is now in the home, as is the most instructive Sunday School classes, family history centers and temple preparation classes.
“Making our homes sanctuaries wherein we can ‘stand in holy places’ is essential in these latter days. And as important as home-centered and Church-supported learning is for our spiritual strength and protection today, it will be even more vital in the future.”
While temple preparation is most effective in the home, many members are unsure about what appropriately can and cannot be said about the temple experience outside the temple.
The Church has provided many resources about initiatory ordinances, endowments, marriages and other sealing ordinances at “Information is also available about following the Savior by receiving and honoring covenants to keep the law of obedience, the law of sacrifice, the law of the gospel, the law of chastity and the law of consecration.”
Gospel learning can actually become home-centered and Church-supported no matter one’s circumstances. “I promise that enabling blessings will flow into and be evident in your lives. … I witness that compensating blessings will come as we strive to fulfill our individual responsibility to learn and love the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”
For RootsTech Family Discovery Day in March 2019, Elder Bednar and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, shared a message about gathering God’s sons and daughters through family history.Elder Bednar visited Jerusalem for the first time in February 2019. In this article, he talks about the bond he feels with the ancient apostles in having the same mantle that they bore.Elder Bednar led tours with Elder Rasband during the Rome Italy Temple open house for dignitaries, including Catholic leaders, in January 2019.During a December 2018 BYU devotional, Elder Bednar spoke about the difference between having fun and finding true joy.Last conference, Elder Bednar spoke about “gathering together in one all things in Christ.”
Elder David A. Bednar has been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 14 years. He was set apart on Oct. 7, 2004.Elder Bednar served as a full-time missionary in Germany.Elder Bednar and his wife, Susan, were married in the Salt Lake Temple on March 20, 1975. They are the parents of three sons.
Earlier this year, Elder Bednar and his wife visited Jerusalem for the first time. They went to the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and other historical sites. While Elder Bednar said they loved walking where the Savior walked, he stated that the Holy Ghost — not a physical location — is what truly witnesses that Jesus is the Son of God.
In an Instagram post in March, Elder Bednar shared how he was inspired by a young woman’s testimony on the plan of salvation. He then went on to share his testimony of Heavenly Father’s plan and the Savior’s Atonement.
During the Rome Italy Temple open house, Elder Bednar had the opportunity to give tours of the temple and explain to visitors what members of the Church believe.
While here in Rome, I have taken many friends of other faiths into the temple to explain what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. I cherish these opportunities. It is thrilling to see how people respond to the Savior’s restored gospel.
— David A. Bednar (@BednarDavidA) January 17, 2019ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7tbTEnJ%2BuqpOdu6bD0meaqKVfZ31yhY5tZnBnYmh%2Fc32QamlonZyZsrN5wZ6bp5miYr2zsc%2BaqZ6cXam8brvBrZiipl2aw6a%2B2Galnp2Um8KtedOhoKef