Every achievement in Pokemon Sleep & how to earn them

Pairing these two are so easy you could do it in your sleep.

Pokemon Sleep offers great rewards for players to find more species after they wake up. Here’s every achievement you can complete in the game.

Pokemon Sleep tracks players’ hours of rest and greets them with different species the following morning. The creatures you encounter are based on your Snorlax’s Drowsy Power — which can be increased by cooking dishes.

There are many recipes to experiment with in the free-to-play application. By cooking more meals, you earn Dream Shards as a reward. The amount of Dream Shards received raises with the number of times you cook.

Keep reading to learn how to unlock more achievements in Pokemon and what you can collect as compensation.

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List of every achievement in Pokemon Sleep

The achievements are divided into the general and type categories in Pokemon Sleep. Here are the options from the general section:

General Achievements

The sleep-tracking game also offers rewards for type achievements. You can earn items by studying up to 300 Pokemon from each type. This means you can claim the prizes 18 times.

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The bonuses for each level are listed below:

The following table lists the 18 types found in Pokemon Sleep:

Type Achievements

While some may see Pokemon Sleep as a simple sleep-tracking app, there’s a surprising amount of depth represented by its various achievements.

Now you know how to earn every achievement available in Pokemon Sleep. In the meantime, check out our other helpful guides on the application:

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