When you finish a stream on Twitch, you may want to look back on your chat’s history. This can give you a good idea of what people watching had to say at certain points in the stream, and take that feedback into consideration for your next stream. You can also look back on potentially unwanted language use and lay the ban hammer down on any offenders. Here is how you can look through your chat logs on Twitch.
Unfortunately, there is not a perfect one-stop option for checking your chat logs on Twitch. If you want to stay on the site, you can go to a VOD on your profile and watch it. While it plays, the chat messages that happened will pop up at the time they were originally sent. If you click on the time next to these, you can instantly turn the VOD to that point in the stream. Unfortunately, depending on how big of a streamer you are, your most recent VODs may not be available anymore.
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You can also do a direct search inside the chat to see everything that a user has said in the chat, unless it was removed by a moderator. If you type /user [username], you can see everything that is available from that person on your profile. This is a quick and easy way to see if a commenter has earned a ban.
If neither of the above methods work for you, your next best option is to use a third-party program to pull up chat logs. The one we have seen recommended the most is Chatty, a chat software tool designed with Twitch chat in mind. It has a lot of functions outside of just logging the chat for you to look back on later.