I’m TTC now and hopefully will be pregnant soon! I love my daughter’s name, [name]Mackenzie[/name] [name]Shae[/name]-[name]Lyn[/name], because she’s named for family. Great grandmother is [name]Lynn[/name], great grandfather is [name]Mack[/name] and my middle name is [name]Shae[/name]. I hope she will always love her name because it reminds her of those she loves. Anyhow, I want a name with meaning regarding family. My hubby is a fiery redhead and I want a name to denote that. (I’m blonde and thinking our baby will be red headed or at least strawberry blonde). I don’t want a name like “[name]Aidan[/name]” that means born of fire…I want a word that makes you think of fire when you say it. We have thrown around [name]Blaze[/name] for a boy and [name]Ember[/name] (like the embers of a fire) for a girl. I [name]LOVE[/name] those, but want more options. [name]Even[/name] something like [name]Cole[/name] (coal in a fire). I know you can all be so creative, so please help! Also, my mother’s name is [name]Lori[/name] and I would like to incorporate that for a girl’s middle name. All I can think of is [name]Lorelei[/name]. I’m so excited to see what’s posted!