Things You Think Would Improve the Game That We WON'T See | Page 6

Where to even begin with this? I just want one thing:
The complete severence of the D&D brand from Wizards of the Coast (more accurately Hazbro), or ANY other corporate entity.

But presume you wish to keep the scope of the conversation to strictly in-game mechanics, so...

1) The complete removal of classes in favor of more organic build abilities that progress based on how many class resources you invest in them (i.e. perks, feats, etc.). Not quite full skyrim where you gain experience by doing things, but akin to that with each major ability (like sneak attack or spellcasting) being tied to "talent trees" or whatever.

2) For monk to have a choice of different strike options akin to weapon masteries rather than stunning strike.

3) For them to realize that Hunter's Mark and hex as spells that use concentration is a terrible option and always will be.
