Here's how to get Dagath in Warframe.
First Published October 2, 2023, 10:06
Dagath is coming to Warframe. The faceless goth queen is the game's 54th Warframe. She packs a lot of drip and is quite deadly, thanks to a wide range of abilities and the unique Dorrlave weapon.
Since you're here, we assume you're interested in unlocking and playing as Dagath in Warframe. While you can purchase the frame by spending Platinum, there's a way to get her for free. Whether you're new to Warframe or just wondering what resources to farm, you're in the right place. Here's our guide explaining how to get Dagath in Warframe.
To get Dagath in Warframe, you first need to get hold of her blueprints. You can purchase Dagath's blueprints by visiting Dagath's Hallow Dojo Room and interacting with the Shrine of Dagath.
To purchase Dagath's blueprints, you will need a new resource called Vainthorn. These will only drop from a new Exterminate mission that takes place on a haunted ship. However, the node for this mission won't show up on your map until you have something called an "Abyssal Beacon."
You can purchase Abyssal Beacon from the game's store. These beacons are keys that give you access to the node for this haunted ship Exterminate mission. Once you have acquired enough Vainthorns, head back to Dagath's Hallow Dojo Room to purchase the blueprints.
Once you have the blueprints, it's time to head back to your ship and select the Foundry to craft Dagath's frame. But hold up a minute! To craft Dagath, you will need to collect a few different components.
Since Dagath isn't currently available to craft in Warframe, we don't know what those components are. The Abyss of Dagath update arrives on 18 October 2023, and we will update this article with more details on how to get Dagath in Warframe, including more important info, like the time it takes to farm each component.
For now, we hope this guide gives you an idea of how to get Dagath in Warframe. Don't forget to check back after the update arrives for a more detailed explanation.
Shrey's obsession with analyzing, introspecting, and discussing every minute detail of video games brought him to game journalism. He's currently a staff writer at GINX Esports TV, where he covers Destiny 2 and Fortnite on a regular basis. When he's not playing the games he's writing about, he's agonizing over his painstakingly long list of JRPGs he can't find time to finish. You can catch him on Twitter @Shrey2828, flexing his Fortnite's Victory Royales or talking about this group of phantom thieves he calls his best friends.
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