1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:
You know, people say you CAN'T tell a pedophile just by looking at him, but yes, I thought ALL ALONG--from back in the 90s he was a perv.
Watching this documentary, it really did hit me just how incredibly weird that this guy made an entire career out of losing weight eating...Subway. People really decided to make a huge deal out of that and turn him into an overnight celebrity because of it. Just. What?
I wonder how any of the celebrities who appeared in any ads or photos with him reacted to the news when it all broke. I also wonder what it must've been like for your average person working at a Subway restaurant - one day your workplace is participating in all these Jared promotions, the next, nope, everything comes to a screeching halt. I would like to hope that people higher up in the Subway corporation genuinely didn't know, that they weren't just looking the other way this entire time, but let's just say if they did know, and if they did look the other way, I sadly wouldn't be one bit surprised.
21 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:
I felt sick for those girls. Their mother should also be in jail.
That was devastating. Absolutely devastating. No way would I be able to maintain any kind of familial relationship after something like that. No way. I really hope those girls found a really good support system after all of that.
I also felt for the investigators who had to wade through all those scuzzy texts and videos. I know that's their job and that's what they signed up to do, mind, but still... It'd be so hard to not want to be like "Yeah, I quit, I'm done." after seeing/reading stuff like that.