Georgiana - Baby Name Meaning, Origin, and Popularity

Long a popular upper-crust form in England, where it's pronounced George-ee-AH-na, Georgiana has been been neglected here. But with Georgia growing more popular and the general fashion for elaborate feminine names, Georgiana might have room to grow.

Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, was a famed beauty and ancestor of Princess Diana who was portrayed by Keira Knightley in the 2008 film The Duchess.

Georgiana was a favorite character name for early English novelists: Georgiana was Mr. Darcy's younger sister in Pride and Prejudice, Georgiana Podsnap appeared in Dickens's Our Mutual Friend and Jane Eyre had a cousin named Georgiana.

Drew Barrymore's great grandmother was Georgiana Drew Barrymore (called Georgie) and Molly Ringwald used it as her daughter Adele's middle name.

Georgiana has been off the U.S. list since 1952, but once was as high as Number 256.

If you want to reduce the syllable count, you can also consider Georgina (a Scottish favorite) or Georgia. Or you can pronounce Georgiana the antique way: George-AY-na.
