Help me name a dwarven tavern!

I'm working on the base for a campaign i'm starting in a few days.
The town/fortress is called Brodin (Blackhammer), and is named after a dwarven clan of the same name.

I'm using just the map of the Keep on the Borderlands (changing everything else though) for the upper part of the stronghold. Below that area is the Undercity, where most of the dwarves live and work. In the upper part of the town, where the "village" part is I have a tavern called the Miserable Mind Flayer Tavern and Boarding House (placed where the Green Man and One-Eyed Cat are in B1). The village part of the Keep is actually populated mostly by humans, and the Undercity is where all the dwarves live. There are about 300 dwarves, young and old in the stronghold. 25-50 humans live in the village part of Brodin as well.

The name is comes out of an old dwarven folktale about a dwarf accidentally being turned into a mind flayer, his part in the destruction of a mind flayer city, and then his eventual return to dwarf form after a long quest.....

Anyway, in the Undercity there is another tavern that's much larger than the M.M.F's tavern by a longshot. All of Brodin dwarves are usually there everynight, and some of the humans who the dwarves get along with go down there to. Anyway, anybody got any good names for it? Maybe giving me a dwarven name and a translation. I'm really bad at naming taverns, and I hate going for obvious names like the Green Dragon Inn or the Drunken (insert monster's name here) Tavern (though I've used it many times), and the names I've got posted in this email have been used over and over again too many times to count.

I only have a small part of the campaign world detailed to any great degree. Here are a few other names for taverns and stuff like that I use:

The Gilded Goblin Festhall (has a dead gilded goblin above the fireplace)

The Seven Sails Tavern

The Saints' Valor Inn (which is actually in the human area of Brodin Stronghold)

Thanks in advance,
C.I.D. (Cyronax the Ice Devil)
