Lost Ark Gold Calculator For Your Roster

Building an optimized Roster is the biggest part of a successful gold farming strategy in Lost Ark. But Alts are also a huge investment. You want to find a good balance by parking your Alts at the right item level.

Our Roster Gold Calculator for Lost Ark helps you to find the sweet spot for your characters to maximize your potential gold income per week.

Market Prices

Enter the price you'll put the mats in the auction house for. The fee will be reducted automatically.

Gold Calculator

What activities is your character doing?

This is the expected profit from tradable materials and raw gold:

Chaos Dungeon
Guardian Raid
Abyssal Dungeon
Argos P1
Argos P2
Argos P3
Total Income

* The time needed for Legion Raids can vary depending on your situation (e.g. Static vs PuG). It is assumed that your raids get faster with increasing item level, but take gold/h only as a rough guideline.
** For Kalkul-Saydon the Calculator assumes 4,500 raw gold, like Valtan HM and Vykas HM. We’ll adjust these values as soon as we know more.

Additional Notes For Gold Calculations

There are a few important things to note:

  • Characters below 1370 can earn additional 300 gold with the 3 Feiton Abyssal Dungeons. This is not included.
  • Gems, Cube -, and Boss Rush Tickets are not included in the calculation. Keep in mind that these drops make Chaos Dungeons more profitable. Especially Boss Rush Tickets have a very high value.
  • The amount of Guardian Stone Crystals and Destruction Stone Crystals per Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raid is an estimate based on the drops we logged with our characters.

Also, the Calculator has to take a few assumptions:

  • All Abyssal Dungeons drop accessories. The Calculator assumes you’ll dismantle them all for 3 Guardian Stone Crystals and 1 Destruction Stone Crystal per accessory.
  • The calculation assumes that you do not buy any Reward Chests. Use the Lost Ark Reward Chest Calculator to find out, whether the chest is worth it or not.
  • All calculations assume, that your character does the highest available content.
  • To calculate the gold per hour the Calculator assumes Argos P1 takes 10 minutes, P2 and P3 take 5 minutes each. The time for Phase 1 is increased to reflect the time to gather a group, wait for everyone and enter the Abyssal Raid. Depending on the circumstances of each character the time can differ vastly (e.g. static group with everyone on time is very fast while a DPS with less than 3/3/3 might spend a long time just to find a group 😉 ). So take the Gold/h with caution.
