Kahului – Briana Mabbutt (from left, first photo) holding her son, Cullen, along with mom Maggie Welker showcased their wares at this past weekend’s Made in Maui festival at the Maui Arts &Cultural Center; photo by Karen Saka.
Makawao – Annette Heu (from left, second photo), Annette’s mother Alice Tavares and friend Eliana K. Halas enjoyed Ramana Vieira’s afternoon performance on Oct. 29 at Casanova’s in Makawao; photo by Amy Halas.
Check our featured Maui County people who make the Scene. Share your recent pictures from island life, then look for friends and family in upcoming issues. If you experience it, we want to highlight it!
* Submit your photos via Scenemakers in The Maui News Virtual Newsroom, www.mauinews.com.
* Rules for photos: No more than six people in the photo; must be Maui County residents and identified by first and last names; faces must be seen clearly (no sunglasses, please); posed photos work best; photo must be high resolution (usually 1 or 2 MB); include the photographer’s name.
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