Want to know more about the Starfield planets? Well, we couldn’t blame you, as there are absolutely loads of them. From desolate moons, to populated planets, to massive gas giants, there are a lot of worlds to explore in Bethesda’s space RPG.
In the Xbox and Bethesda showcase in June 2022, it was revealed that Starfield would contain “over 1,000 planets” situated in over 100 different star systems. That’s a lot of planets, which means a lot of Starfield characters to meet, but those numbers aren’t just for show. Bethesda also revealed that players can land and explore each and every one of them – well, at least the ones that are actually habitable.
Starfield planets
The Starfield planets are:
- Aion
- Al-Battani V
- Alchiba I-X
- Algorab III
- Altair II
- Alpha Andraste I-VI
- Akila
- Anselon
- Arachna
- Aranae I
- Aranae IV
- Arcturus III
- Bardeen III
- Bessel I-III
- Beta Andraste I
- Beta Ternion III
- Bode
- Bondar
- Carinae I-V
- Cassiopeia I-IV
- Charybdis I-IX
- Chawla
- Curie
- Denebola I-III
- Earth
- Enlil V
- Erebus
- Eridani I-IX
- Faraday
- Freya III
- Freya IX
- Gagarin
- Gamow
- Groombridge VIII
- Guniibuu I-VII
- Hyla II
- Indum I-V
- Jemison
- Jupiter
- Kapetyn I-II
- Kazarah
- Kumasi I-IX
- Leviathan I-VII
- Magnar
- Magreth
- Mars
- Masada III
- Mercury
- Moloch I
- Montana
- Muphrid I-VIII
- Nascent
- Neebas
- Nemeria IV
- Neptune
- Nesoi
- Niira
- Nikola I-X
- Nirvana II
- Oborum III
- Olivas
- Ourea
- Piazzi I-VII
- Pluto
- Polvo
- Porrima I-V
- Procyon I-VI
- Saturn
- Sirius I-III
- Sumati
- Suvorov
- Sy-920
- Syrma I
- Tau Ceti I-IX
- Thanatos
- The Pup I
- Tidacha I
- Toliman I-II
- Uranus
- Van Mannen I
- Venus
- Verne II
- Vesta
- Volii Alpha
- Volii Beta
- Volii Chi
- Volii Epsilon
- Volii Omega
- Volii Tau
- Washakie
The above list contains all 194 planets we’ve seen in Starfield so far – be they from our own Starfield review playthrough or official footage such as the Starfield Direct. That doesn’t even take into account the numerous moons and space stations you’ll be able to visit on your cosmos-faring adventures – but you can find out more about those later on in this guide.
Planets in Starfield are procedurally generated when the player arrives there, creating a unique planet on the fly using a selection of handcrafted locations and events to populate them. To add to this, as revealed in an interview with Todd Howard by Kinda Funny Games, there are both single-biome and multi-biome planets, with flora and fauna belonging to specific biomes. Furthermore, Howard also revealed that only “about 10% of those planets have life on them”. Evidently, there are a lot of diverse locations to map out and explore, with any survey data you create of planets you visit able to be sold for money.

While there are over 1,000 planets to explore, as showcased in this video from ‘ZelexFPS’ above, you will have to do so on foot, or using the boost pack for added mobility – there are no vehicles or animals that can act as mounts within the game. With that said, there are some planets that have low gravity, changing the way you navigate the environment. Nevertheless, make sure you’ve got some sturdy space boots before setting down on a planet.
Below we’ll go over what we know about each planet and moon, which star system they’re in, and when they were revealed or spotted.

Alpha Centauri
This star system is the one we know the most about and is seemingly the main hub of at least one of Starfield’s largest factions, United Colonies. Thanks to the extended gameplay trailer, we know that Alpha Centauri is home to three planets, one with two moons and a gas giant with several moons.
Within the Starfield timeline, the first time humankind arrived at Alpha Centauri was in the year 2156. The system is located 4.37 light years away.
It’s interesting to note that all of Alpha Centauri’s confirmed planet names so far pay homage to a famous astronaut.
The main planet, Jemison, is also where one of the main Starfield cities, New Atlantis, is found.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Alpha Centauri are:
- Bondar
- Chawla (Moon of Olivas)
- Curbeam (Moon of Bondar)
- Gagarin
- Grissom (Moon of Bondar)
- Hawley (Moon of Olivas)
- Jemison (Home to New Atlantis)
- Kurtz (Moon of Jemison)
- Lovell (Moon of Olivas)
- Olivas
- Voss (Moon of Olivas)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Al-Battani are:
- Al-Battani V
- Al-Battani V-a (Moon of Al-Battani V)
The Alchiba system was first spotted during the Starfield Direct. Alchiba IV-a was used to demonstrate outpost construction.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Alchiba are:
- Alchiba I
- Alchiba II
- Alchiba II-a (Moon of Alchiba II)
- Alchiba III
- Alchiba III-a (Moon of Alchiba III)
- Alchiba III-b (Moon of Alchiba III)
- Alchiba III-c (Moon of Alchiba III)
- Alchiba IV
- Alchiba IV-a (Moon of Alchiba IV)
- Alchiba V
- Alchiba V-a (Moon of Alchiba V)
- Alchiba VI
- Alchiba VI-a (Moon of Alchiba VI)
- Alchiba VI-b (Moon of Alchiba VI)
- Alchiba VI-c (Moon of Alchiba VI)
- Alchiba VII
- Alchiba VII-a (Moon of Alchiba VII)
- Alchiba VII-b (Moon of Alchiba VII)
- Alchiba VII-c (Moon of Alchiba VII)
- Alchiba VII-d (Moon of Alchiba VII)
- Alchiba VIII
- Alchiba VIII-a (Moon of Alchiba VIII)
- Alchiba VIII-b (Moon of Alchiba VIII)
- Alchiba IX
- Alchiba IX-a (Moon of Alchiba IX)
- Alchiba X
- Alchiba X-a (Moon of Alchiba X)
- Alchiba X-b (Moon of Alchiba X)
The Algorab system was first spotted during the Starfield Direct, where we saw the palmy moon of Algorab III-b.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Algorab are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Altair are:
Alpha Andraste
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Alpha Andraste are:
- Alpha Andraste I
- Alpha Andraste I-a (Moon of Alpha Andraste I)
- Alpha Andrase II
- Alpha Andraste III
- Alpha Andraste IV
- Alpha Andraste V
- Alpha Andraste VI

The Aranae system can be found not too far from Alpha Centauri (ok, maybe it’s a fair few light years away, but what’s that to a warp drive anyway?)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Aranae are:

Little is known about the Arcturus system yet, though it does house Ice Giant Arcturus III, complete with its gorgeous blue rings.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Arcturus are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Bardeen are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Bessel are
- Bessel I
- Bessel II
- Bessel III
- Bessel III-a (Moon of Bessel III)
- Bessel III-b (Moon of Bessel III)
Beta Andraste
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Beta Andraste are:
- Beta Andraste I
- Beta Andraste I-a (Moon of Beta Andraste I)
- Beta Andraste I-b (Moon of Beta Andraste I)
- Beta Andraste I-c (Moon of Beta Andraste I)
Beta Ternion
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Beta Ternion are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Carinae are:
- Carinae I
- Carinae II
- Carinae II-a (Moon of Carinae II)
- Carinae III
- Carinae III-a (Moon of Carinae III)
- Carinae III-b (Moon of Carinae III)
- Carinae III-c (Moon of Carinae III)
- Carinae IV
- Carinae IV-a (Moon of Carinae IV)
- Carinae V
- Carinae V-a (Moon of Carinae V)
- Carinae V-b (Moon of Carinae V)
- Carinae V-c (Moon of Carinae V)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Cassiopeia are:
- Cassiopeia I
- Cassiopeia I-a (Moon of Cassiopeia I)
- Cassiopeia II
- Cassiopeia II-a (Moon of Cassiopeia II)
- Cassiopeia III
- Cassiopeia III-a (Moon of Cassiopeia III)
- Cassiopeia IV-a (Moon of Cassiopeia IV)
- Cassiopeia IV-b (Moon of Cassiopeia IV)
- Cassiopeia IV-c (Moon of Cassiopeia IV)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Charybdis are:
- Charybdis I
- Charybdis II
- Charybdis III
- Charybdis IV
- Charybdis IV-a (Moon of Charybdis IV)
- Charybdis V
- Charybdis V-a (Moon of Charybdis V)
- Charybdis VI
- Charybdis VI-a (Moon of Charybdis VI)
- Charybdis VI-b (Moon of Charybdis VI)
- Charybdis VII
- Charybdis VII-a (Moon of Charybdis VII)
- Charybdis VII-b (Moon of Charybdis VII)
- Charybdis VII-c (Moon of Charybdis VII)
- Charybdis VII-d (Moon of Charybdis VII)
- Charybdis VIII
- Charybdis VIII-a (Moon of Charybdis VIII)
- Charybdis VIII-b (Moon of Charybdis VIII)
- Charybdis IX
The home system of the Freestar Collective, Cheyenne is a system players will visit early on into the Starfield missions, as they head to Akila City, Akila.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Cheyenne are:
- Akila
- Montara Luna (Moon of Montana)
- Montana
- Washakie
Delta Pavonis
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Delta Pavonis are:
- Ampere (Moon of Faraday)
- Arachna
- Augur (Moon of Bode)
- Bitsy (Moon of Arachna)
- Bode
- Bose (Moon of Gamow)
- Coulomb (Moon of Faraday)
- Curie
- Faraday
- Fundament (Moon of Nascent)
- Gamow
- Herald (Moon of Bode)
- Itsy (Moon of Arachna)
- Magnar
- Nascent
- Ohm (Moon of Faraday)
- Rudiment (Moon of Nascent)
- Volt (Moon of Faraday)
- Worthless (Moon of Arachna)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Denebola are:
- Denebola I
- Denebola I-a (Moon of Denebola I)
- Denebola I-b (Moon of Denebola I)
- Denebola II
- Denebola II-a (Moon of Denebola II)
- Denebola III
- Denebola III-a (Moon of Denebola III)
- Denebola III-b (Moon of Denebola III)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Enlil are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Eridani are:
- Eridani I
- Eridani II
- Eridani III
- Eridani III-a (Moon of Eridani III)
- Eridani III-b (Moon of Eridani III)
- Eridani III-c (Moon of Eridani III)
- Eridani IV
- Eridani IV-a (Moon of Eridani IV)
- Eridani IV-b (Moon of Eridani IV)
- Eridani IV-c (Moon of Eridani IV)
- Eridani V
- Eridani VI
- Eridani VI-a (Moon of Eridani VI)
- Eridani VII
- Eridani VII-a (Moon of Eridani VII)
- Eridani VII-b (Moon of Eridani VII)
- Eridani VII-c (Moon of Eridani VII)
- Eridani VIII
- Eridani VIII-a (Moon of Eridani VIII)
- Eridani VIII-b (Moon of Eridani VIII)
- Eridani VIII-c (Moon of Eridani VIII)
- Eridani VIII-d (Moon of Eridani VIII)
- Eridani IX
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Freya are:
- Freya III
- Freya IX
- Freya IX-b
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Groombridge are:
- Groombridge VIII
- Groombridge VIII-a
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Guniibuu are:
- Guniibuu I
- Guniibuu I-a (Moon of Guniibuu I)
- Guniibuu I-b (Moon of Guniibuu I)
- Guniibuu II
- Guniibuu III
- Guniibuu III-a (Moon of Guniibuu III)
- Guniibuu III-b (Moon of Guniibuu III)
- Guniibuu III-c (Moon of Guniibuu III)
- Guniibuu IV
- Guniibuu IV-a (Moon of Guniibuu IV)
- Guniibuu IV-b (Moon of Guniibuu IV)
- Guniibuu V
- Guniibuu V-a (Moon of Guniibuu V)
- Guniibuu V-b (Moon of Guniibuu V)
- Guniibuu V-c (Moon of Guniibuu V)
- Guniibuu V-d (Moon of Guniibuu V)
- Guniibuu V-e (Moon of Guniibuu V)
- Guniibuu VI
- Guniibuu VI-a (Moon of Guniibuu VI)
- Guniibuu VI-b (Moon of Guniibuu VI)
- Guniibuu VI-c (Moon of Guniibuu VI)
- Guniibuu VI-d (Moon of Guniibuu VI)
- Guniibuu VI-e (Moon of Guniibuu VI)
- Guniibuu VII
- Guniibuu VII-a (Moon of Guniibuu VII)
- Guniibuu VII-b (Moon of Guniibuu VII)
- Guniibuu VII-c (Moon of Guniibuu VII)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Hyla are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Indum are:
- Indum I
- Indum I-a (Moon of Indum I)
- Indum II
- Indum III
- Indum III-a (Moon of Indum III)
- Indum III-b (Moon of Indum III)
- Indum III-c (Moon of Indum III)
- Indum III-d (Moon of Indum III)
- Indum IV
- Indum IV-a (Moon of Indum IV)
- Indum IV-b (Moon of Indum IV)
- Indum IV-c (Moon of Indum IV)
- Indum IV-d (Moon of Indum IV)
- Indum V
- Indum V-a (Moon of Indum V)
Kapetyn’s Star
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Kapetyn’s Star are:
Kryx is home to The Key, which is one of the most important space stations when you’re looking for where to sell contraband in Starfield.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Kryx are:
- Boron (Moon of Suvorov)
- Candore (Moon of Suvorov)
- Ice (Moon of Suvorov)
- Max (Moon of Suvorov)
- Nox (Moon of Suvorov)
- Rocklock (Moon of Suvorov)
- Suvorov
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Kumasi are:
- Kumasi I
- Kumasi I-a (Moon of Kumasi I)
- Kumasi II
- Kumasi II-a (Moon of Kumasi II)
- Kumasi III
- Kumasi III-a (Moon of Kumasi III)
- Kumasi IV
- Kumasi IV-a (Moon of Kumasi IV)
- Kumasi V
- Kumasi V-a (Moon of Kumasi V)
- Kumasi V-b (Moon of Kumasi V)
- Kumasi V-c (Moon of Kumasi V)
- Kumasi V-d (Moon of Kumasi V)
- Kumasi V-e (Moon of Kumasi V)
- Kumasi VI
- Kumasi VI-a (Moon of Kumasi VI)
- Kumasi VII
- Kumasi VII-a (Moon of Kumasi VII)
- Kumasi VII-b (Moon of Kumasi VII)
- Kumasi VII-c (Moon of Kumasi VII)
- Kumasi VII-d (Moon of Kumasi VII)
- Kumasi VIII
- Kumasi VIII-a (Moon of Kumasi VIII)
- Kumasi VIII-b (Moon of Kumasi VIII)
- Kumasi VIII-c (Moon of Kumasi VIII)
- Kumasi VIII-d (Moon of Kumasi VIII)
- Kumasi IX
- Kumasi IX-a (Moon of Kumasi IX)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Leviathan are:
- Leviathan I
- Leviathan II
- Leviathan III
- Leviathan IV
- Leviathan V
- Leviathan V-a (Moon of Leviathan V)
- Leviathan VI
- Leviathan VI-a (Moon of Leviathan VI)
- Leviathan VI-b (Moon of Leviathan VI)
- Leviathan VII
Though Linnaeus has been spotted in gameplay footage, it’s currently unclear which planets and moons belong to this system.
Not much is known about the Lunara system, however, in the year 2307, the Freestar Collective began farming on the planet of Vesta within the system. The United Colonies weren’t too happy with this, stating that the Freestar Collective had violated the Treaty of Narion by establishing a fourth colony.
Diplomatic talks broke down shortly after the UC found out, and the UC laid siege on Vesta, killing anyone who stayed behind or was brought in. This marked the beginning of the Colony War.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Lunara are:

The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Masada are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Moloch are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Muphrid are:
- Muphrid I
- Muphrid I-a (Moon of Muphrid I)
- Muphrid I-b (Moon of Muphrid I)
- Muphrid II
- Muphrid II-a (Moon of Muphrid II)
- Muphrid III
- Muphrid III-a (Moon of Muphrid III)
- Muphrid III-b (Moon of Muphrid III)
- Muphrid III-c (Moon of Muphrid III)
- Muphrid IV
- Muphrid V
- Muphrid V-a (Moon of Muphrid V)
- Muphrid V-b (Moon of Muphrid V)
- Muphrid V-c (Moon of Muphrid V)
- Muphrid V-d (Moon of Muphrid V)
- Muphrid VI
- Muphrid VI-a (Moon of Muphrid VI)
- Muphrid VI-b (Moon of Muphrid VI)
- Muphrid VI-c (Moon of Muphrid VI)
- Muphrid VI-d (Moon of Muphrid VI)
- Muphrid VII
- Muphrid VII-a (Moon of Muphrid VII)
- Muphrid VII-b (Moon of Muphrid VII)
- Muphrid VII-c (Moon of Muphrid VII)
- Muphrid VIII
- Muphrid VIII-a (Moon of Muphrid VIII)
- Muphrid VIII-b (Moon of Muphrid VIII)
- Muphrid VIII-c (Moon of Muphrid VIII)
- Muphrid VIII-d (Moon of Muphrid VIII)
Another system we know a little something about is Narion. Shown briefly during Bethesda’s gameplay trailer, Vectera, the moon of Anselon, is used to demonstrate the outpost system of Starfield. Outposts can be built, which act as a “home away from home” used for survival and resource generation. You can also hire characters you meet along the way to work on your outpost, at a location of your choosing, to keep it up and running.
In the timeline, the people of the Narion system voted to join the Freestar Collective in the year 2195, after the United Colonies positioned a starship called the Clinic in orbit around Deepala. The following year, Freestar Collective and the UC went to war, with the conflict being aptly titled the Narion War. After 20 years, a treaty was signed, ending the conflict.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Narion are:
- Anselon
- Kreet (Moon of Anselon)
- Magreth
- Niira
- Sumati
- Vectera (Moon of Anselon)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Nemeria are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Nikola are:
- Nikola I
- Nikola II
- Nikola II-a (Moon of Nikola II)
- Nikola III
- Nikola III-a (Moon of Nikola III)
- Nikola III-b (Moon of Nikola III)
- Nikola IV
- Nikola IV-a (Moon of Nikola IV)
- Nikola IX
- Nikola V
- Nikola VI
- Nikola VI-a (Moon of Nikola VI)
- Nikola VI-b (Moon of Nikola VI)
- Nikola VII
- Nikola VII-a (Moon of Nikola VII)
- Nikola VIII
- Nikola VIII-a (Moon of Nikola VIII)
- Nikola IX
- Nikola X
- Nikola X-a (Moon of Nikola X)

Though little is known about whereabouts the Nirah System lies, it has some of the best-named locales that we’ve seen so far.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Nirah are:
- Kazarah
- Ka’zaal (Moon of Kazarah)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Nirvana are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Oborum are:
The Olympus planets are:
- Aion
- Cybele (Moon of Aion)
- Dionysus (Moon of Aion)
- Erebus
- Hypnos (Moon of Thanatos)
- Mithras (Moon of Aion)
- Nesoi
- Orphius (Moon of Aion)
- Ourea
- Pontus (Moon of Erebus)
- Thalassa (Moon of Erebus)
- Thanatos
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Piazzi are:
- Piazzi I
- Piazzi II
- Piazzi III
- Piazzi III-a (Moon of Piazzi III)
- Piazzi III-b
- Piazzi IV
- Piazzi IV-a (Moon of Piazzi IV)
- Piazzi IV-b (Moon of Piazzi IV)
- Piazzi IV-c (Moon of Piazzi IV)
- Piazzi V
- Piazzi V-a (Moon of Piazzi V)
- Piazzi V-b (Moon of Piazzi V)
- Piazzi V-c (Moon of Piazzi V)
- Piazzi VI
- Piazzi VI-a (Moon of Piazzi VI)
- Piazzi VI-b (Moon of Piazzi VI)
- Piazzi VI-c (Moon of Piazzi VI)
- Piazzi VII
- Piazzi VII-a (Moon of Piazzi VII)
- Piazzi VII-b (Moon of Piazzi VII)
- Piazzi VII-c (Moon of Piazzi VII)

We have yet to see any of Porrima’s actual planets, but we do know what a couple of its moons look like – especially Porrima IV-C which features extensively in the Starfield Direct deep dive.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Porrima are:
- Porrima I
- Porrima II
- Porrima III
- Porrima IV-C (Moon of Porrima IV)
- Porrima IV-D (Moon of Porrima IV)
- Porrima V
- Porrima V-A (Moon of Porrima V)

Procyon A
To the northwest of Alpha Centauri, and directly west of Sol, you’ll find Procyon A.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Procyon A are:
- Procyon I
- Procyon I-a (Moon of Procyon I)
- Procyon II
- Procyon III
- Procyon III-a (Moon of Procyon III)
- Procyon IV
- Procyon IV-a (Moon of Procyon IV)
- Procyon V
- Procyon V-a (Moon of Procyon V)
- Procyon V-b (Moon of Procyon V)
- Procyon V-c (Moon of Procyon V)
- Procyon VI
- Procyon VI-a (Moon of Procyon VI)
- Procyon VI-b (Moon of Procyon VI)
- Procyon VI-c (Moon of Procyon VI)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Sirius are:
- Sirius I
- Sirius II
- Sirius II-a (Moon of Sirius II)
- Sirius III
- Sirius III-a (Moon of Sirius III)
- Sirius III-b (Moon of Sirius III)

Sol is our own solar system, which Bethesda has confirmed you can visit in Starfield. It seems we’ll be able to travel to a few planets in our solar system, with Mars being the most prominent. The red planet is the location for another of Starfield’s major cities, Cydonia, and was settled by humans early on in their space exploration era by the sounds of things after something ominous happened to Earth. While not confirmed if we’ll be able to go to Earth, we will be finding out what happened to it as part of the story. A snippet of gameplay footage from the 2023 Starfield Direct also showed us navigating Luna, which is the Latin name for Earth’s moon, so we’ll get fairly close to home.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Sol are:
- Ariel (Moon of Uranus)
- Callisto (Moon of Jupiter)
- Charon (Moon of Pluto)
- Deimos (Asteroid)
- Dione (Moon of Saturn)
- Earth
- Enceladus (Moon of Saturn)
- Europa (Moon of Jupiter)
- Ganymede (Moon of Jupiter)
- Iapetus (Moon of Saturn)
- Io (Moon of Jupiter)
- Jupiter
- Luna (Moon of Earth)
- Mars
- Mercury
- Mimas (Moon of Saturn)
- Miranda (Moon of Uranus)
- Neptune
- Oberon (Moon of Uranus)
- Phobos (Asteroid)
- Pluto
- Rhea (Moon of Saturn)
- Saturn
- Tethys (Moon of Saturn)
- Titan (Moon of Saturn)
- Titania (Moon of Uranus)
- Triton (Moon of Neptune)
- Umbriel (Moon of Uranus)
- Uranus
- Venus
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Syrma are:
Tau Ceti
The Tau Ceti system was confirmed during the June 2023 Starfield Direct.
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Tau Ceti are:
- Tau Ceti I
- Tau Ceti II
- Tau Ceti II-a (Moon of Tau Ceti II)
- Tau Ceti III
- Tau Ceti IV
- Tau Ceti IV-a (Moon of Tau Ceti IV)
- Tau Ceti IV-b (Moon of Tau Ceti IV)
- Tau Ceti V
- Tau Ceti VI
- Tau Ceti VI-a (Moon of Tau Ceti VI)
- Tau Ceti VII
- Tau Ceti VII-a (Moon of Tau Ceti VII)
- Tau Ceti VIII
- Tau Ceti VIII-a (Moon of Tau Ceti VIII)
- Tau Ceti VIII-b (Moon of Tau Ceti VIII)
- Tau Ceti VIII-c (Moon of Tau Ceti VIII)
- Tau Ceti VIII-d (Moon of Tau Ceti VIII)
- Tau Ceti IX
The Pup
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in The Pup are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Tidacha are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Toliman are:
- Toliman I
- Toliman II
- Toliman II-a (Moon of Toliman II)
- Toliman II-b (Moon of Toliman II)
- Toliman II-c (Moon of Toliman II)
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Valo are:
Van Mannen’s Star
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Van Mannen’s Star are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Verne are:
The confirmed Starfield planets and moons in Volii are:
- Volii Alpha
- Volii Beta
- Volii Chi
- Volii Delta (Moon of Volii Beta)
- Volii Epsilon
- Volii Gamma (Moon of Volii Epsilon)
- Volii Omega
- Volii Phi (Moon of Volii Tau)
- Volii Psi (Moon of Volii Tau)
- Volii Tau
- Volii Upsilon (Moon of Volii Omega)
Other planets and moons
Plenty of other planet names have been spotted, most of which were seen either in the official launch date trailer or Starfield Direct embedded above. However, which system they belong to is unconfirmed right now.
- Neebas: A snowy planet punctuated by an outpost belonging to an unknown faction.
- Sy-920: Home of a huge warehouse, overrun with Va’Ruun Zealots.
That’s everything we know so far about the Starfield planets and moons, but we’ll be sure to keep this guide updated when we hear or see more.
For now, there’s plenty more Starfield content to get stuck into, from some of the Starfield skills and what they mean for gameplay, to the Starfield weapons we know about so far, and even some Starfield religions that might have an impact on the game’s characters and narrative.
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