Rene Ramirez: Wild Dog - Characters of Arrow

I know others warmed to Rene towards the end of last season and the beginning of this one, but I've never liked him. I just haven't seen him really care about anyone.  He does put himself on the line in the field, but that mostly reads as recklessness to me.

I also don't understand the arrangement he cut with the FBI.  Sure, I could see him earning some kind of immunity against prosecution for his previous acts, and maybe continuing so until they were able to disclose him as the informant so as not to tip off Oliver, but anything after that should be a violation of the Vigilante Bill at least, right? I mean, is he not identified as Wild Dog in court documents? If so, why would Dinah of all people still be running around with him? Curtis, I could see being just dumbly loyal enough, but Dinah should know how courts and laws work: particularly laws that cover illicit deeds done in the name of taking down a bigger criminal, since, you know IT IS WHAT SHE DID FOR YEARS AND YEARS, and she has the bo staff to prove it! Did Rene negotiate immunity for everyone but Oliver? Is that even possible?

And Rene was under medical care for at least a day after coming at Oliver with an ax, right? Why didn't Curtis or Dinah do anything to reach out to Zoe? They wanted us to think there was a chance he could die, right? Does she even know what her father is doing with his time? Why was she not more worried when Curtis showed up looking pained after the babysitter peaced-out? This is the girl who couldn't boil soup by herself two years ago, right?

I know I'm mostly preaching to the choir here, but it is all just so frustrating. I'm really hoping to hear good news about him leaving the show soon, but I suspect he's just taking a few episodes off to offset the budget of bringing Roy back for a few episodes.
