The convenience of refrigerated coffee creamer (sans the additives and preservatives of store bought) can be yours with this 4-ingredient, 5-minute, natural Vanilla Coffee Creamer, flavored with vanilla extract and sweetened with maple syrup!
If you enjoy delicious, all-natural coffee treats, you'll also love Caramel Coffee Creamer!
Who out there enjoys a cup (or five) of coffee in the morning? {*Raises hand.*} Growing up, my parents always drank their coffee black. I didn't understand it then and I can't tolerate it now. My hubby drinks his with a splash of milk but no sugar, which honestly, I don't find much better. Me? I need plenty of cream/milk, sweetener, and ideally some sort of flavoring.
But several years back when I started paying attention to food labels and incorporating more "real foods" into my family's diet, I was appalled at the ingredients found in my favorite flavored coffee creamers. How could something so tasty incorporate so many unpronounceable additives?
Alas, in the years since that revelation, I've been forgoing all of the fun, flavored coffee creamers and making due with milk and sugar, and sometimes a splash of flavored coffee syrup (which isn't ideal either with its preservatives and occasional food coloring, but at least it contains less junk than the store bought creamers). Recently, however, I've been on a make-my-own kitchen staples kick, and it occurred to me that surely it wouldn't be too hard to whip up my very own batch of flavored coffee creamer to store in the refrigerator and enjoy all week long.
Sure enough, it was beyond easy. In a matter if minutes I had rich, delicious coffee creamer, made with real milk and cream, flavored with my most beloved brand of vanilla extract, and sweetened with pure maple syrup (instead of the sweetened condensed milk found in some versions of homemade coffee creamer).
You might be wondering if the resulting coffee tastes maple-y and the answer is no. I know that I'd be better off learning to drink my coffee unsweetened altogether, but if I'm going to ingest breakfast-time sugar on a daily basis, at least maple syrup is natural and unrefined.
If you've followed this blog for awhile, you've probably noticed that I use maple syrup to sweeten recipes quite regularly. I get a great deal on big jugs of pure maple syrup ordered from Amazon (Coomb's Family Farms 100% Pure Organic Grade B Maple Syrup is my favorite, just in case you're wondering), and you'd better believe I put those jugs to good use.
I'm very pleased with this recipe as a starting point, but know that you can easily adjust the richness of your creamer by tweaking the ratio of milk to heavy cream, and you can make it more or less sweet by fine-tuning the maple syrup to your liking.
But the very best part of this coffee creamer? For at least the next few days (or until the novelty wears off), this chronically sleep-deprived mama is actually looking forward to waking up...just so I can enjoy another mug of creamy, vanilla-laced coffee, thanks to this quick and easy recipe. 😉
Slightly adapted from Deliciously Organic