Your Taurus Birthday Horoscope: May 08, 2024

If you were born on May 8, your moral compass is pointing straight up! The world and its problems are very clear to you. Right and wrong are black and white and plain as day. So why does everyone else have trouble seeing this? Your vision of the world and humanity is a gift, and you have an opportunity to teach it to others. These lessons will take a lot of patience and forgiveness, but your loved ones are thankful for your guidance.

May 08 Taurus at Their Best: Prudent, convincing, caring

May 08 Taurus at Their Worst: Serious, judgmental, strict

What to Wear: Anything plush, leather or suede -- even if it's hot outside. Due to the foodie tendencies of this birthday honoree, you might also consider an expandable waistband.

What to Eat: Taurus lives for sensual pleasure, so deliver it with several courses of creamy, rich and savory dishes -- and don't forget the wine!

Who to Invite: Taurus might pretend to not care who comes, but unless you invite everybody on this territorial person's buddy list, you could be in for some sulking.

Where to Go: Pick a venue that at least looks posh. Taurus always likes to experience a nothing but the best kind of birthday.
