Looking for an Indian boy name I love... - General Name Discussion

My husband and I are expecting a boy in a month and are in fear of leaving the hospital with out a name! My husband is east [name]Indian[/name] while I’m white. We always said we’d name a girl after me and a boy after him. We have 2 y.o. [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] Prema and now I need a boy’s name that will fit with his sister’s name, be easy to pronounce and work with m.n. Slyvester. Tall order! I just don’t feel madly in love with any of our names. Sad.
Name list as stands:
[name]Talin[/name] (Tall-in, not [name]Talon[/name])
We have also looked at the standard [name]Rohan[/name], [name]Nikhil[/name], [name]Neil[/name] and such but have cousins who got there first…
Please help!
